Praying the Scriptures for no more delays

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bibles verses to pray against delay and disappointmentsNo one likes delay or disappointment, but there are times in life when we experience this unpleasant season. Delays and disappointments can come in all shades and manners, ranging from simple, insignificant things to big and major life issues. I’ve never seen anyone that enjoys any form of delay in life. Some delays are unfair. Racheal in the Bible experienced an unfair delay; she waited seven years through no fault of hers. After seven years of waiting, she was disappointed because instead of her father giving her in marriage to Jacob, her sister Leah was chosen!  I cannot begin to imagine the disappointment and despair Racheal must have felt. She eventually married Jacob, but as the second wife and after waiting so long to marry, she also had to wait so long to have her children. Rachel is one woman who understood the pain of delays and disappointments. I’m glad her story didn’t end there; God came through for her. Her delay and disappointment gave way to fulfilment and joy. So if you have had any delays or if you are going through a disappointment, hold on, for delays are not denials. 

What can you do in the waiting room?

  • Do an honest inventory. Is this delay your fault? Are there things you should do or should have done? Can you go back and make the necessary amends?
  • Don’t leave any stone unturned. Make sure you have done the best you can, and after doing your BEST, leave the REST to God. He knows how to turn things around in your favour.
  • Do what you need to do, and then allow God to do what only God can do
  • Take your rest in God. This can be easier said than done. How do you take your rest when others around you are moving on and you feel left out? It may not be easy, but God gives grace to those who ask, so ask him for grace to be at peace even as you wait for your change to come. 
  • Encourage yourself in the word of God. Countless promises of God say that God will always come through for us, it may seem to us as late, but it’s never late with God, He will always come through, and He comes big!
  • Enjoy your season whilst you are waiting. Seasons come and go; it’s the principle of life. No matter how long it may seem, one season will always give room for another. Life is not static; days, weeks, months, and years keep going. The season will change, and it may be delayed, but eventually, the change will come.
  • Pray. Take your authority over every delay and disappointment. Find two or three scriptures as your evidence to take before God to ask for this season to change. God can change the times and the seasons. That’s the beauty of the God we serve. Below are the scriptures you can use as your armour as you approach God’s throne for mercy and help during your season of need.Bible verses to pray against delays and disappointments

Scriptures to pray against delay and disappointment

But I the Lord will speak what I will, and it shall be fulfilled without delay.Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign Lord

Ezekiel 12:25, 28 NIV

Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.

Joshua 21:45 NIV

For the Lord will act and carry out his word on the earth, and waste no time to accomplish it!

Romans 9:28 TPT   

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

Proverbs 4:18 KJV

And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

Luke 1:45 KJV

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

Isaiah 60:1 NIV

being confident of this , that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus

Philippians 1:6 NIV

What God started in your life will be completed. God is not in the business of doing things halfway; He will perfect all that concerns you. Delays are not denials, It may seem late but hold on, for He is about to show up for you, and when He shows up, He shows big.

If this has blessed you, please share it with someone else using the links at the top of this post. 

Every blessings !


This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Christine chaka

    I thank GOD for using you to present this message,no more delay.

    1. Dr. S

      Amen, there shall be no more delays in Jesus’s name

  2. Jane Nwune Asiforo

    Thank you so much for the encouraging words. God bless you ma

    1. Emonena

      Thanks for the message of no delay . it really bless me!!!

  3. Mwanasha

    thanks God for the powerful message that contains true life in Jesus name

  4. EU

    Thank you for the scriptures, no more delay or disappointment!

    1. Zelia

      thanku so much

  5. Elsie Nwaduvu

    Thank God for this message. Before I opened it, I told God I want to study the scriptures on Delay and I want him to give me a word.
    He has given me many words from this message. I believe and am convinced now that I am getting a job very very soon.

    1. Believe

      Amen. in Jesus name amen.

  6. Lawrencia

    Thank you for the encouraging message. God bless you.

  7. Mmathabo S

    No more delays, and I know He who has began a good thing. Will carry it unto completion. I will carry to full term, my rainbow baby. I am believing God for supernatural conception.

  8. Isaac Chuks

    I prophesy upon my life that there shall be no more delays and spirit of stagnation in my life now and forever but If its of the lord then delay is never a denial !! I pray in Jesus Christ amen.

  9. Ken

    No more delays in JESUS NAME! AMEN

  10. Namagembe Catherine

    it has
    been my word for am found of delaying and end up loosing. thanks so much.

    1. Dr. S

      No more delays in Jesus name

  11. Adigwu

    Your Bible verses were wonderful,l pray for more grace.

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