I’m excited you stopped by at ‘A Word for Her’ | ‘She thrives, she flourishes, she blossoms.’
My name is Oluseye. I’m married and have an adorable daughter who is now a young adult. I’m a General Practitioner with special interests in Women’s Health, Diabetes, and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.
I’ve written an ebook on How to Make Menopause a Positive Experience, a self-help guide for all women before and after menopause. I also run regular menopause workshops for faith-based and secular organisations. I’m passionate about improving awareness of this very important milestone in every woman’s life.
I have always been amazed at a woman’s incredible strength despite the many challenges she faces, from menarche (her first menstrual period) to menopause (her last menstrual period). God loves us and has equipped us for everything He’s planned for us. Romans 8:28, my favourite Bible verse, is a good reminder that all things will eventually, in the final analysis, work together for our good.
My dear friend, God has a plan and a purpose for your life; it doesn’t matter where you are right now or whatever is going on in your life, He’s got your back and remember you are not alone, there are countless women out there with similar issues to yours, but you know what, our father always has a word for us. A word of encouragement, a word of freedom, a word of liberation, a word of victory, and triumph. So, wherever you are today, know that the Lord desires that you thrive, flourish, and blossom. God has A WORD FOR YOU !
Join me on this journey. The focus is not only on your spirit but also on your soul and your body. You will find many useful resources about a woman’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health here. The aim is to help you to connect the facts of medical science to the truths of God’s word.
Please join my mailing list to be the first to know when useful resources are available on this site. You can unsubscribe at any time.
I would love to connect with you in the place of prayer. Please visit our prayer page to leave a prayer request. Also, look out for our annual ‘ Sisters Pray ‘ event. This is a non-denominational prayer conference for women from all walks of life. It’s on every first Saturday in April via Zoom.
Zoom ID: 83202132672
Passcode: GTHWWP
Time: 9PM BST
As a welcome gift, please click here to download a free daily confession printable. It can be used by anyone, male or female, young or old!
I would love to hear from you, so please leave me a comment in the comment section.
Thank you for visiting A Word For Her. I look forward to seeing more of you and connecting with you on wordforher Facebook page and Instagram.
Remember, you are destined to thrive, flourish, and blossom (TFB)
Oluseye x