7 things to do when you need a miracle

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We all need a miracle at some point in our lives.  A Miracle is that which is humanly impossible. It is the supernatural act of God and that which only God can fix. A miracle does not make any natural sense. It is that which suspends all the natural laws of the universe. 

There were numerous instances in the bible when natural laws were suspended, and throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, we can see instances of supernatural acts of God. 

The children of Israel said to Moses, can God furnish a table in the wilderness? Yes, He can, and yes, He did! God provided Manna for the Israelites; He also provided meat. He struck the rock, and water gushed out; he also divided the sea so the Israelites could pass through, and He made the waters stand up like a heap! Unexplainable right? Yes, but He did it. All these acts beat all natural laws, and that is what we call a miracle. 

 The Bible is full of miraculous happenings, be encouraged and persuaded that the God who did miracles in the past is still the same God who can and who will do miracles now.

7 things to do when you need a miracle , Steps to follow to receive miracles , encouraging words for anyone that needs a miracle , divine intervention of God , supernatural acts of God
7 things to do when you need a miracle 

Elisha and the famine in Samaria (2 Kings 7:1-2) 

Elisha prophesied a 24-hour miracle of abundance in Samaria during a severe famine. Naturally, going by the economics laws, there was no way that such a prophecy would come to pass. The officer of the king, an economist, couldn’t see how that prophecy would manifest even if God were to put a window in the heavens. Naturally, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. Though the officer did not believe, God bypassed everyone and fulfilled all that he had promised. 

Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah (Genesis 22:1-19) 

Abraham, in obedience to God, took his only son Isaac to sacrifice him on the mountain. On getting there, God had already planted a ram for the sacrifice in exchange for Isaac. How did the ram climb to the top of a  two thousand feet mountain? That same mountain that took Abraham and Isaac 3 days to climb.  By the last time I checked, rams don’t climb that high. For that ram to have been on Mount Moriah, there must have been a suspension of some natural laws. It was nothing but a miracle.                                                                                                                    

David and Goliath (1Samuel 17)

One of the most popular Sunday School stories is that of David and Goliath. How did 5 smooth stones in the hand of a 17-year-old shepherd boy bring down a giant? David was only 17 when he killed Goliath. There is no way in the natural that a 17-year-old civilian will kill a general in the Philistine army except by a supernatural act of God.

The miracle of the fish with the coin in its mouth (Matthew 17:24-27)

How did the coin get into the mouth of that fish and stayed there until Peter was ready to pay his tax? That is what we call the miracle of supernatural provision. God already knows our needs before the needs ever arise. And when the needs arise, He already made provision.  The moment Jesus spoke the word to Peter, the coin made its way into the mouth of the fish. 

Miracles are real, and they are still happening in our days. If we don’t experience them, it doesn’t mean they are not happening anymore. There are things we can do to experience the divine intervention of God, and below are some of them :  

steps to receiving miracles, divine intervention , supernatural acts of God , faith in God ,receiving a Rhema from God , revelation from God
7 things to do when you need a miracle

7 things to do when you need a miracle

  1. Remember God’s faithfulness in the past. If He has ever come through for you before, He will surely come through for you again. He is ever true and ever faithful. When David was about to face Goliath, he remembered how God delivered him from the bear and the lion. David drew on the strength of God’s faithfulness in previous victories, and he knew that if the bear and the lion died by his hands, Goliath would die too!  

     ” For with God nothing will be impossible”   Luke 1: 37

  2. Set your mind on the future promise, know that He would do that which he has promised. God is a fixer. He would fix it, and He will always make it good.”

    ”And being fully convinced that What He had promised He was also able to perform” Romans 4:21 ” I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass, I have purposed it; I will also do it ” Isaiah 46:11

  3. Find relevant scriptures that connect to that which you trust the Lord for and meditate on them until you receive a Rhema ( a revelation of truth ). God is always true to His words. Remind God of His promises; God’s words are yea and amen; God’s word will never fail; it will always accomplish its purpose.

    ”I am actively watching over My word to fulfill it. ” Jeremiah 1:12AMP

  4. Stay positive, don’t give in to doubt, believe in hope, against all hope, believe! Just like Abraham, He believed that He who had promised would also do it. Even though everything in the natural was against the promise, Abraham held on doggedly to the promise, and the Lord came through for him.

    ” Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promised.” Hebrews 10:23KJV

  5.  Maintain an atmosphere of worship. Worship connects us to God and paves the way for the miraculous to happen. Worship is a powerful weapon. Paul and Silas worshipped God in prison, and the prison doors flung open.

     ‘’ God’s high and holy praises fill their mouths, for their shouted praises are their weapons of war!”Psalm 149:6TPT

  6.  Have faith in God! Faith comes by hearing the word. Spending time in God’s word will help to build our faith in Him. As you study and meditate on God’s word, let it build faith in you. Believe that the Lord can do the impossible and be expectant!

    ” But Jesus looked at them and said” With men, it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27 NKJV

  7. Sow a seed. A seed can break any stronghold of limitation. I have a real-life experience of sowing seeds, and I can say that every breakthrough I have had can be traced to a seed.  Life is a seed; we reap what we sow,  we get what we give. Let’s give kindness and spread love; it will surely come back to us in several folds. That’s just a principle of life.

    ” They may weep as they go out carrying their seed to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing.” Psalm 126:6 TPT

steps to receiving miracles, divine intervention , supernatural acts of God , faith in God ,receiving a Rhema from God , revelation from God
7 things to do when you need a miracle

Miracles are real. I have been privileged to have seen the miraculous in certain areas of my life. Miracles of healings, divine provisions, success in examinations, career breakthroughs, uncommon open doors and the lists go on—all to the glory of God.  

Miracles are not for special people; they are for those whosoever desire.  The only requirement is to believe! God is still in the business of doing miracles. He specialises in last-minute miracles, and as we come near to the end of this peculiar year, God is still able to do the impossible; only believe, and you will receive!

If this has blessed you, please do not keep it to yourself; share it with others.

Thank you for connecting with me today. 

Remember, you are destined to thrive, flourish and blossom. 

Oluseye x 



This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. Oyin

    Wowwwww, what a timely post

    1. seyericks

      Thank God!

    2. Irene

      you have blessed me so much today,It has been a timely massage ,be blessed 🙏🙏

  2. Esther

    Thank you Sis for this inspiring article. You’re blessed!

    1. seyericks

      Amen!Thanks for stopping by sis x

  3. Amen

    Thank you so much for blessing us with this message. God bless you.

    1. seyericks

      Amen, thank you Ame

  4. Abimbola

    Thank you for the powerful message. It refreshes my spirit. God bless you ??

    1. seyericks

      Amen! Good to know x

  5. KO

    Dr Seye

    Thanks for this reminder that we serve a miracle working God, who is faithful and who we can call and depend on to show up in impossible situations.

    1. seyericks

      Yes it so wonderful that we have the assurance that our God can do the impossible ?

  6. Jessie Synan

    Thank you for a beautiful post. It was so reassuring to be reminded of the miracles God laid in the Bible. Right now I’m obsessed with the song “Rattle” in which it says about God “He’s not about to run out of miracles anytime soon!” ❤️

    1. seyericks

      Thanks Jessie, that’s such a lovely song . In a time like this , we need this reminder that God is not about to run out of miracles anytime soon ! xx

  7. Tunbosun

    A word to live by. Thank you so much.

    1. seyericks

      You are welcome T ! Thanks for stopping by

  8. Rhoda

    Thank you for the encouragement

      1. Mary

        This is so timely. I stumbled on this post on the last day of my 40 day prayer and fasting for marital settlement for my children. I believe this is a sign that the Lord has heard my plea and will do it for my children. Thank you for the inspiration and please pray for me that the Lord’s miracle in our lives will come to be soon in Jesus’s name. Amen

        1. Dr. S

          The Lord will answer you speedily in Jesus name

  9. Mamere Kef-Kamara

    Thank you so much Dr Seye,
    God’s word is so true.I have seen how his words have done miracles for myself and my son,and how God has helped him in finding a future partner. Glory be to God.

  10. Abiodun

    Thank you Dr Seyi. i feel blessed and my spirit is lifted. i believing God for the fruit of the womb and i believe He has done it already.Halleluyah. God bless you sir.

    1. Dr. S

      Amen! For with God, all things are possible. I join my faith with yours and trust God to give you your miracle babies in Jesus name. You may want to check our resource page for bible verses to pray with when trusting God for the fruit of the womb.

  11. Sandra

    Thank you so much sir, this is so timely, am trusting God for the fruit of the womb and I believe he will bring it to pass.

    1. Dr. S

      Amen and amen , I join my faith with yours and so shall it be in Jesus name

  12. Rejoice

    I believe God for a life partner and a fulfilled destiny and I can see He has settled me. Glory be to God in the highest

    1. Dr. S

      Amen ! Receieve your miracle in Jesus name

  13. Janet

    Amen I put my fate in Lord, with God all things will be possible For me

  14. vicky-J

    thank you so much for this powerful piece 🙏🙏

    1. Dr. S

      You are welcome ! Thank you for stopping by . We pray a miracle for you in this season in Jesus name . God bless

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